Kevin Aviance World

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I don't know how to start this one off today, but all I know is that I am very dissappointed - a bit angry!

Yesterday's turn-out at the rally to put a stop to hate crimes - in the LGBT Community particularly - was just shamefull. Yes, Michael Sandy wasn't someone who was a popular fixture in NYC, but he was one of us - a gay man trying to survive in a hateful world. I was very embarassed to be one of the many few there representing our community, but at the same time proud to stand up for what I think is only right; justice for us all!!! This could have been your brother, sister, lover, or even your mother. Their is no excuse good enough to have prevented anyone of you gay children from being there - or straight for that matter if you believe in humanity. Children, wake-up before its too late. We've go to support each other!!!!

You supported me, right? I am angry, and asking WHY YOU WEREN'T THERE TO SUPPORT "OUR" COMMUNITY?