Kevin Aviance World

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Designing Women

I don't know what's with me, but suddenly today I had an itch for creating something fierce. I hooked up with Joseph, whom you all should know by now - if your following the daily blog. We strutted down to the garment center, and ruffled through some really cute fabrics to find what I think is going to make a fierce coverall for a whimsical hat that I have in mind. Every now again I love designing something for myself. It certainly keeps me sane. And what better time to have that itch; is now. So, after picking up the threads, I came home and got right down to business. I whipped up that hat in no time. Joseph just came over to see what I pulled together. She GAGGED! Girl, this hat I tell you, is ready for some attention. It's really, really, really gorgeous. You might just see me wearing it out one evening. And if you do, bring it to my attention.